Shapellx Shapewear Dress: Is it Really Essential?
Who doesn’t like to look good in any dress on any occasion? We all do. Shapewear is such a tool that gives you a dream appearance. You get a smoother shape under clothing. Among...
Who doesn’t like to look good in any dress on any occasion? We all do. Shapewear is such a tool that gives you a dream appearance. You get a smoother shape under clothing. Among...
Ok, let’s say it straight! We are not all skinny we are not all models. Our society promotes just one type of women, but the reality is different. We have curves, we are not...
Summer is near and I can’t wait to wear some baby tees with skirts or shorts. I love summer outfits, I love the colours and the happiness they give to me. So, I want...
As you all know, I love searching all over the internet for funny clothes, shoes or accessories. Today, I want to show to you three funny gym shirts for this spring that will atract...
Ala bala portocala, se termină primăvara. 😀 Parcă mai ieri era Revelionul, iar acum deja e sfârșitul lunii martie. Și cum timpul zboară, ar cam fi cazul să discutăm despre costume de baie și...
I love wearing clothes with funny messages. I think they represent me and I’m sure I’m not the only one. So, everytime I can, I buy new ones. Baby tees, dresses, hoodies… I love...
Hello, my dears! Today, I’ve found some great christian clothes and accessories and I want to show it to you, too. I’ve never thought I would find some clothes with biblic versets or with...
For the love of science. For the love of learning. For those who are in love with study. For all of them and not only, they are some geek clothes you must see. I...
Odată cu venirea toamnei, garderoba noastră se schimbă esențial. Rochiile vaporoase lasă locul celor tricotate, tricourile sunt înlocuite cu pulovere pufoase și cardigane confortabile, pantalonii scurți așteaptă până vara următoare, lăsând locul blugilor și...
Garderoba masculina este mult mai usor de construit decat cea feminina. Barbatii au nevoie de haine simple, de calitate, care sa poata fi usor de combinat si sa le asigure confortul necesar. Ei nu...